Sunday, December 20, 2009

12/20 Update

Things are going well. I have had a huge reduction in cysts--only one right now on my lower chin! Yay! My skin looks much better; people are noticing a difference. I am too.
The nosebleeds have started also--my nose is very dry (like my lips) and I have had a (minor) bloody nose a couple times today. I am going to try coating my nostrils with Aquaphor.....hey, it works on my lips, right?!
I go back to the derm on the 30th and I will post new pics then. I went in on the 14th for a checkup--all good, but the glycolic facial (5%) stung like crazy. Before Accutane, I wasn't even bothered at 20%--skin much more sensitive. Lips dry, nose dry. That's it! No "horror stories" to report here! Yay!