Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Full-face pics at Start and 2 months into treatment!

Top: 2 months on Accutane
Bottom: Day before starting drug.

2-month photos

Well, my 2 month anniversary on Accutane was 12/28/09. Had another set of blood work and took more photos of my progress. My cholesterol was 288 and my triglycerides were also higher than before....I think about 206. Derm did not seem concerned with this. The elevated levels are normal, they just have to stay in a range that is not unsafe. I have 3 months to go until I am done!!

The improvement is HUGE already. I have no cysts right now. The red spots on my face are from healing breakouts. I have very few blackheads and very few sites of inflammation. I can FEEL a huge difference.
Underneath my skin, I have always been able to palpate and "feel" pimples forming. I now feel smooth skin that is healing/healed under there!

I am SO very happy--thrilled actually--with my results! I am convinced that all those products out there "for acne" are just crap. Accutane (Amnesteem) is the ONLY thing I have found that has such amazing results! It's been wonderful. My self-image has improved so much already.

Side effects: still DRY lips (Aquaphor is the only thing that works). My lower back is not so achy, but now my ankles and heels (weird, right?!) kill me, especially after I have not been moving for a while (in the morning). I also have an itchy, scaly rash on the backs of my hands....this is not super-annoying, but can be painful. I am using the derm's hydrocortisone cream on that. No depression, nothing else. No headaches after the first couple of weeks. Every now and then, I see things in the periphery of my vision, just for a second. None of it is anything more than noticeable......and SO worth being free of acne, finally!

Best wishes to those reading and I hope my story/pics are helpful.

PS--I know I have a mustache but you CANNOT wax while on Accutane, or for 6 months after. I promise I will take care of it after my waiting period is up. So, next October, no more mustache! ;-D