Monday, February 8, 2010

1/29/10 Three Months On--Week 13 of 20

I am really pleased with the results of my treatment--my cysts and acne are barely noticeable. My skin/hair/etc is really dry, most bothersome being dry lips. I use Aquaphor like mad!

I am noticing more side effects lately related to my mood; I am not "depressed" and certainly not suicidal (both of which have been reported in users) but I am pretty grouchy. I have a short fuse when it comes to dealing with irritating situations. I am also feeling more self-conscious than usual and I am very, very tired. My lower back and my heels/feet are still achy.

My cholesterol and triglys are still in an acceptable range. Nothing abnormal on my liver panels. Overall, even with the mood effects, I believe Accutane has changed my life in a positive way. I think the mood issues are resulting from me getting closer to my "maximum cumulative dose".

After 20 weeks of 170 mg/day, I will have obtained enough of the drug in my system to (hopefully) "cure" my acne. As I approach 23,800 mg total taken (over the full treatment), I think the drug has started giving me more side-effects. It's an oily, Vitamin-A analog so it builds up in your system over time.

I am posting pics and will post again soon!
Thanks for reading and best wishes to those of you dealing with acne.

PS--I decided to stop blocking out my eyes......but this doesn't mean you can PhotoShop me into weird pics. I can totally sue your butt if you do!