Friday, March 12, 2010

Stuff that's helped during Accutane....

This is a nice body moisturizer for after your shower or bathe, especially in the winter when skin gets REALLY dry!
Found Emu Oil soap at a healthfood store....good on your face everyday because it's not drying.
Don't wax! No Nair! (Your skin is sensitive on Accutane and prone to scarring or burns). Eyebrow threading works really well!
Nice body wash that hasn't dried me out too much!
Aquaphor can be used on lips--it's not just a "hand cream"! Very successful in dealing with the dry, peeling lip problems you get on the medication!

Quick Pics of HUGE Progress!

The top pic is from the day before starting Accutane. The bottom pic is 4 months into my treatment. Can you see the difference?!

4 months on Accutane & new photos!

Well, my last appointment was a few days ago. I have now been on Accutane for 4 months, and the improvements are you can see!

Not so good is that my cholesterol shot up to 388! Now for the stupid part: I had been forgetting to take my Lovastatin (I have genetically high cholesterol, before Accutane). Sooooo....Dr. Amy gave me my final Rx and ordered me to have my bloodwork done again in 2 weeks rather than the standard month. As long as I can have my meds, I am happy! This has been a miracle for my skin!

Now, for the stinky side-effects: I feel like an old woman! I am tired quite often, and my feet, ankles and legs ache. Especially after sitting or laying down, I have a hard time getting up without some pretty major pain. My lower back kills me getting out of bed in the morning. My lips are dry as usual, but I am still using my Aquaphor. I only take a shower about once a week because my skin and hair are NEVER oily! I don't even need the shower, but I feel gross if I don't do it at least once a week. (Of course, I clean up in the meantime LOL). Even my cuticles, which were always overgrown, have improved. Still no depression or weird thoughts.....just the extreme fatigue.

Overall, even with the side-effects, I would completely recommend Accutane for someone with stubborn acne. It's been a miracle and a life-changer for me--I'm so thankful to have such improved skin!

Luckily, I am not noticing too much scarring. I think that peels and/or dermabrasion will help after I am finally able to do those. Again note: you CANNOT WAX OR DO PEELS/DERMABRASION while you are taking Accutane. It causes major scarring, burning and pain that is permanent!!!

Also, another tip I discovered after a friend told me she was going on Accutane & wasn't sure what to do if she couldn't wax her brows: eyebrow threading! I got my upper lip (sorry mustache!) and eyebrows "threaded" today at a place in the mall. It was $16 (total) and was no more painful than waxing, and it won't damage your skin! Only the hair is pulled out--it's basically like plucking big sections rather than single hairs. I was amazed at how smooth and good the results were! So, there's my tip of the day I guess!

Thanks for reading and checking out my pics! Good luck to everyone in your pursuit of better skin--and hang in there!