Thursday, April 22, 2010


Well, I started Accutane on 10/28/2009 and now, on 4/22/2010, I am finished with my Accutane treatment!

All in all, this has been the best thing I have ever done. My skin has cleared beautifully. I no longer have oily hair (even after 7 days of not washing it), I don't have oily patches on my face or other parts of my body (ears, etc). I am thrilled with the results.

The side effects have definitely been noticeable: joint pains, especially in my ankles and lower back, and fatigue have been the most difficult. I am considerably less energetic than before treatment. I have also noticed I am a lot grouchier! Although I have struggled with these side effects (plus extremely dry lips and some dry skin rashes) I STILL consider Accutane to be a miracle drug for my acne.

Before Accutane, I tried SOOOOO many OTC remedies--all the Proactiv, washes, Zeno and other stuff they sell you for acne. I also was on antibiotics, creams and Retin-A thru a dermatologist. Vitamins and diet changes, etc.....none of it helped me in a long-term way.


That said, it is definitely a drug not to be taken lightly. The hassles of bloodwork, side effects and even getting my Rx filled where considerable. However, overall the results have been wonderful and I would not change a thing--except that I do wish I had done this sooner. I now have the skin/complexion I wanted, but I am nearly 30 years old. If you, or someone you know, has tried everything and the only thing keeping you from trying Accutane are the "horror stories" you read/see/hear....go for it!!! I have noticed that many websites touting the "horrors" of Accutane are actually trying to sell you their product. I am sure there are people who have had bad luck with this drug--there are always those bad cases, with ANY treatment.

I still think you should find a dermatologist you trust, who will monitor you closely while you're on Accutane, and try this. Give OTC stuff 6 months. Give antibiotics/whatever your derm prescribes for you 6 months. After a year, if you are still having the breakouts--ask for Accutane! It was the best decision I have made for my struggles with acne.

I will post my last pictures soon. I wish you all well & hope that you find relief. Be smart and don't succumb to all the advertising that's out there: it should NOT cost you hundreds (or 1000's) of dollars to "treat" your acne. Find a licensed dermatologist and make sure they're not adverse to prescribing Accutane if their other suggestions don't work for you.

Everyone is different and will respond to treatments differently. Hang in there and good luck!