Friday, November 13, 2009

10/28/09 Start Day

After bloodwork a month prior (in September), it was time to start Accutane. Here's how my start day went:

Wow! What a HUGE hassle! Went like this:
1. went to the Lab on Moross for a urine pregnancy test.
2. went to dermatologist & got injections/facial; had to wait another hour because the test hadn't been faxed over.
3. went to Walgreens. They told me they had no Accutane in stock (after I called 2x on 2 different days to make sure they DID.
4. they had it--the tech didn't look and thought they had to order it.
5. was told the iPledge system (national database) didn't have my info from the doctor. They did.
6. was told I had to go online to fill out a questionaire/test before I could get the Rx filled (no one told me this prior).
7. went home, got online, registered with the database and took a quiz.
8. back to Walgreens.
9. waited another hour at Walgreens while the technicians spoke to my insurance about why they could only cover this, that or something else for X number of days....
10. got frustrated, wanted to strangle someone.
11. FINALLY got the Rx filled PARTIALLY because they only had a limited amount/dose in stock.
12. came home from the Walgreens, took my first pill and hung up Halloween decorations to relieve stress. I had already missed my 3 pm class, so I figured I wouldn't worry about it too much and just decompress for a few minutes. Heading to WSU shortly for my Spanish midterm.

So, it was a crazy day!!! You'd think I was getting a Rx for heroin or something. It probably takes less effort to find and buy Anthrax from someone.

I am SO excited. I looked at my face in the rearview of my car and wanted to cry. My acne is so bad, and has been for so long. I feel ugly and I am tired of feeling ugly. I don't even like to be without makeup in front of my own husband (I never told him that though). No one should have to deal with such a crappy condition, but especially not at nearly 30!! I should be worried about wrinkles, not zits and wrinkles! I feel so bad for other people I see with this, because I know how it can rob your self-esteem and make you feel horrible about yourself.
I am hoping, PRAYING, that I can stay on the medication and don't have any cholesterol issues that would make me have to stop.

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