Monday, November 30, 2009

One month on Accutane photos....

Well, I am going today to get my Accutane refilled after blood work, online questionnaire and a visit to my dermatologist. I hope all goes well. I have been on Accutane for a month now. I actually ran out early, so I have not taken a pill in 6 days. =( The pics above were taken yesterday.

I am hoping that won't matter. I have read that people go on and off and switch to lower doses, so I don't think it will. Derm told me that the effects are "from a cumulative dose".
I have 4 more months to go!

I still have cysts and my chin/cheeks are bad as usual. However, I am still encouraged because I know results take time.

I am only washing my hair about every 4 days now. I am not oily at all. I do notice certain things about my face have cleared up: I don't have little bumps on my chin anymore and fewer blackheads. My pores seem smaller. I am still using tons of Aquaphor on my lips. They are very dry. I am also using moisturizers around my eyes and sometimes all over my face, just to keep it from peeling as much. It peels and flakes a lot, especially where my acne is bad.

Side effects are a little weird: my lower back aches like crazy! I feel like a creaky old woman. I also have a rash on the backs of my hands. I used a hand sanitizer in my anatomy lab a week or so ago, and instantly, I broke out in this rash. It's dry, not itchy....just little flaky-looking patches. I will bring it up today at my visit.

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