Friday, November 13, 2009

One week into treatment; my dose increases....

Well, I am very dried-out as far as my lips and my face go. My skin is tolerable, still broken out. But, my lips are very dry. They are not bleeding yet, but they threaten to crack any time I am not putting on my cocoa-butter stick every 15 minutes!

Tomorrow, I switch from 80/mg day (total) to 170 mg/day of my Accutane (well, the generic equivalent!) and I will be curious to see how dry THAT dose gets me! Yikes!
Have not noticed much else. I have read many people's blogs which all say the acne can blow up a few times during treatment and that I should not expect to be "clear" until the last month and when I stop the med.

Having my blood tests done next week and HOPING SO MUCH that my triglycerides and cholesterol is low enough to be able to continue. I would not want to stop regardless, but if they're too high the doc will make me stop. =(
More when things change!

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